News Archive
2022/2023 School Year
17th May 2023
KS1 and KS2 have been completing Shared Reading. Pupils have loved the social experience...
17th May 2023
Class 5/6 enjoyed spending time in our local community. We all visited a local restaurant...
11th May 2023
Training continues today as the staff take on the 5k challenge to raise some well...
4th May 2023
Knockavoe pupils celebrated Autism Awareness month by taking part in a whole school...
4th May 2023
At the end of April, June Neill (Chairperson of our Board of Governors), Emma and...
4th May 2023
Class 7 making the most of the warm weather, by taking their Numeracy lessons outdoors!...
27th Apr 2023
Seamy has been volunteering at our school for five months. He has been a real superstar...
Knockavoe School 10 Melmount Gardens, Strabane BT82 9EB | Phone:028 7188 3319