Project Sparks Celebration
Project Sparks was an unbelievable experience for the senior pupils of Knockavoe School. A little over 12 weeks ago the pupils from three of our senior classes had an opportunity to engage with Eamonn Mc Carron and Erica Curran from Project Sparks who are leading mentors in the field of performing arts.
Every Tuesday for 12 weeks the pupils learned how to play African drums, sing in perfect harmony and dance like superstars, this was a truly AMAZING experience.
On Tuesday the 18th of June 2019 the pupils performed in front of their parents and peers, in addition to special guests such as the Strabane and Derry District Council Mayor Michaela Boyle, Father Michael Doherty and Reverend Mark Shaw.
The fantastic show included group performances of "Happy" by Pharrell Williams and "Something Just Like This" by the Chain Smokers, along with an impressive duet by Sarah Jane Murray and Joseph Kerlin of "Shallow" from the contemporary movie A Star is Born.
This was an amazing showcase of our talented pupils from the senior department.
Knockavoe School 10 Melmount Gardens, Strabane BT82 9EB | Phone:028 7188 3319