St Mary's Primary School visits Knockavoe- Children's Mental Health Week
Today Class 7/8 and Year 8 hosted St Mary's Primary School as part of our school link project. As it is children's mental health week, we decided to base our activity on this. The pupil's had so much fun catching up with each other. We talked about our feelings, how we can take care of our minds and showing kindness.
Pupil's then got into groups of 5/6 and drew around their friend. They then wrote inside the template, things that make them happy. Some examples were, pizza, shopping, cheerleading, football and dancing.
Finally, they enjoyed some melon and had a photo opportunity to smile :)
Of course, the visit ended with a special guest appearance from our Poga.
Thank you to St Mary's for taking the time to come to our school. We are so excited to meet up in the near future!
Knockavoe School 10 Melmount Gardens, Strabane BT82 9EB | Phone:028 7188 3319