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Numeracy at Knockavoe

Knockavoe offers a learning environment which is rich in Mathematics and Numeracy opportunities. We believe in using a variety of teaching strategies and experiences in order to develop our pupil’s skills in Number, Measure, Shape and Space and Handling Data. Knockavoe uses Count, Read: Succeed’s definition of Numeracy as the foundation of its teaching:
‘Numeracy is the ability to apply appropriate mathematical skills and knowledge in familiar and unfamiliar contexts and in a range of settings throughout life, including the workplace’ (Para 1.10).
Planning, teaching, assessment, numeracy events, wall displays and the school website are all used to promote Numeracy but at the centre of each of these are the needs of our pupils. Numeracy provision is child centred, as individual targets are set, monitored, evaluated and success is celebrated by the whole school community. Pupils are taught according to their ability and not Key Stage thus ensuring our Numeracy provision helps all of our pupils regardless of their age, ability or interest, to progress and reach for a brighter future.
Useful Links...
A link to the 10 Ticks Pupil Login
Foundation Stage: Sorting
In foundation, we have been practicing identifying colours through a range of different fun activities. Additionally, we have been working very hard on our skills of sorting colours into groups.
Key Stage 2: Money and Time Topic

In Key Stage 2, we have been practicing our functional money skills and learning to tell the time. Through coin identification, learning the value of different coins and the purpose of money. These activities will provide us with the skills we need to be involved members in our community.
Numeracy Gallery.......

Numeracy learning video...
Numeracy play based learning ideas...
Numeracy Outdoor learning ideas...

Knockavoe School 10 Melmount Gardens, Strabane BT82 9EB | Phone:028 7188 3319