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Knockavoe School 10 Melmount Gardens

What is a visual timetable?

A visual timetable or timeline is a visual account of a task or a child's routine throughout the day. A visual timeline can be used individually with children or as part of a whole group setting.

Visual timelines can be used to support children in a number of ways. For example, children with difficulty understanding language may benefit from visual timelines because of the extra processing time they allow. Visual timelines can also help support any child who is anxious, perhaps because they are new to the setting or don’t understand routines. Many children learn better when supported with visual pictures because they tend to be visual learners. Therefore, visual timetables can maximise a child’s strengths to support other areas of development that are perhaps more difficult. Some suggest that using symbols and visual timelines as part of a multisensory teaching approach helps children behave well, develop literacy, be motivated, remind and reinforce concepts they know and lead to more independence. They can also help children who have difficulty accessing text.


Feel free to browse some of our visual timetable resources which can be used at home...

Daily Routines


Leisure Activities


Household Jobs