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- FAST (Families and Schools Together)

If you are interested in joining our FAST group please contact the school office for more information… or come along to one of our meet ups!
FAST (Families and School Together)
Knockavoe FAST (Families and School Together) is a peer support group set up by parents of children who attend school. The group was established in 2017 as the need to provide practical and emotional support to parents was very evident.
The group is made up of (but not exclusively) parents who have children in school or parents with children hoping to join school in the near future.
Pre-Covid we were running a drop-in support group in the school every Friday morning 10.30am-12.30pm providing a variety of projects for parents such as personal development, looking after personal mental health, arts activities and cooking classes, wood work etc. Like most projects our group had to be paused March 2020. We are now in a position to start our meetings up again.
The drop-in sessions are relaxed and place no pressure on anyone to participate- just come along, have a cup of tea and a chat! As parents who share a common bond, we can offer practical help and advice on many issues that you may face, including benefits, support you may be entitled to or basically looking after yourself.
This ongoing support has been identified as a life line for many parents and a great way of meeting new people who just basically understand!
We also have a Facebook page called Knockavoe FAST Family.

FAST news
What families have to say...

“I come out of FAST feeling like I’m ready to take on the world."

“The content of our projects is irrelevant, getting together with others in a priceless priority.”

“This group is just what the doctor ordered. My friends and family never understood my thoughts and feelings. These girls do. They have been so helpful and kind to me. We really have bonded so well.”

“I have never been a confident person, joining FAST has giving me so much confidence when speaking to professionals or asking for help from others.”

“I’ve never realised the importance of having some time to myself away from the house, talking to others is so uplifting.”

“What a great way to start the weekend, lots of laughs and good craic with all the girls this morning.”

“Coming to the group has really helped me realise I am not on my own, every issue I have faced with my child someone else has too, I will never feel alone again.”
Knockavoe School 10 Melmount Gardens, Strabane BT82 9EB | Phone:028 7188 3319