Transition - Post 19 years

Transition Reviews begin in the pupils 14th year of school. Around May time the first transition Review shall be held by the Year 10 teacher with the Transition Officer from EA.
Subsequently every year a Review meeting shall be held in February and the paperwork sent to EA with current IEP and any recommendations.
The last 2 Transition Year Reviews are very important as the plans are finalised for transition from school.
School will help with transition as much as possible in the final year. For the last few years we have held an extra meeting in September for those pupils leaving in the following June. After a few difficult situations we realised that February of the final year is too late if support/placement has not been organised. The September meeting allows the professionals an opportunity to have plans in place for February and a smoother transition in June of the final year for the pupil.
The following plans are now in place for post 19 being put in place.
- Attendance by relevant professionals. Onus on school to send invites to the meeting, and invite all relevant professionals.
- VP as transition Officer to liaise with SW leaders and EA Transition Officer and WHSCT Transition Officers. Timetable for September meetings to be sent out 1st September. Timetable for February meetings to be sent out October. Parents will be contacted nearer to the relevant dates.
- Attendance of parents at all Transition meetings is very important.
- Time out for teachers to attend meetings for pupils in their class. Meetings hosted by VP which ensures consistency of information, working knowledge of placement and provision and one link person for every review.
- Opportunity for information from Transition Officers on placements outside Strabane Area. Careers Fair held in school in January for parents to attend and receive information which can be discussed further at the transition meeting the following month.
- List provided to schools by the WHSCT of all professionals working with the individual pupils and updated on a yearly basis.
- Learning Disability Team involvement and placement on the register for those pupils who will require WHSCT provision upon leaving school.
- All statements to be updated at 11 years of age by EAWR.
- WHSCT Transition Officer involvement at post 19 where WHSCT placement is required. . There are 2 officers currently. 1 officer sits on the panel until the pupil is 18 and the other officer assists those pupils who are on the informal learning disability register who may not have access to a social worker.
- EA Transition Officer attends all Transition meetings where possible and has follow up sessions with parents regarding visits to possible placements. Transition Officer attends Careers Fair and assists with professional advice.
- Careers Service NI currently provide support to pupils from Knockavoe School who are seeking to enter further education or work related placement upon leaving school. The Careers Officer meets with VP at start of school year to devise and draw up a partnership Agreement. Meetings and 1-1 sessions with pupils are arranged. Each June the Agreement is signed off when completed. The Careers Officer also participates in the Transition Reviews.
Knockavoe School 10 Melmount Gardens, Strabane BT82 9EB | Phone:028 7188 3319